Sewer Works to Commence – Derry Road, Strabane
17 December 2019 14:35

The proposed construction work will involve laying over 60 metres of storm sewer with associated manholes to serve the new development at Strabane Academy, with the entrance opposite Parkland View.
The majority of this work will be undertaken on the main Derry Road, and will continue on from a new section of sewer constructed within the closed slip road (prior to Christmas). In order to undertake the works safely, it will be necessary to have a lane closure in place on the Derry Road for the duration of the works. Two-way traffic will be maintained with the use of temporary traffic signals.
Normal working hours will be 8.00am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday; however, it may be necessary at times for work to be carried out outside of these hours.
NI Water and our contractor Conwell Contracts Ltd. would like to thank the public for their patience and cooperation while we complete this essential improvement work and will do everything we can to complete the work as soon as possible with minimal disruption.
For further information, please contact NI Water’s Press Office on 02890 354710 or email