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how to save water

About your water

What does this free Weed-Wiping Trial involve?

NI Water are providing a free Weed-Wiping service for farmers in Seagahan Catchment area between 1 May and 30 September 2017 and 1 May and 30 September 2018.

We are offering to treat rush infestations, free of charge, using a weed-wiper in the Seagahan catchment area. The main target will be rush control on grassland and in addition other weeds such as thistles and nettles are also eligible for treatment during the project using a weed-wiper.  NI Water will employ a weed-wiping contractor to do the work. You can then arrange directly with the contractor to do the work on your land at a suitable time.

It has been demonstrated that effective rush control is obtained by weed-wiping rushes two years in succession. Any farmer availing of the scheme in 2017 is encouraged to apply for follow-up weed-wiping in 2018.

NI Water are employing a Farm Liaison Officer to manage the project and give free support for farmers and land managers to understand rush treatments and best practice measures. If you are a farmer within the area above, we need your help and cooperation to understand the areas of rush infestation on your land and working together, we can manage the problem without posing a risk to water quality.

Further Details and Disclaimer

  • The target aim of the project is to provide an alternative for MCPA use on your land within the catchment. If MCPA is used it by anyone it could affect the trial results, so we are actively encouraging farmers in this area to refrain from using any pesticide product containing MCPA for the 2-year duration of the project.
  • The contractor will be required by NI Water to follow recommended bio-security procedures, however if you are not content with these procedures then you should not allow the contractor to access your land and not allow the weed-wiping to go ahead.
  • To make maximum benefit from the scheme, we strongly advise you to cut mature rushes a number of months prior to weed-wiping so that the contractor can then treat the re-growth, which is most effective.
  • It is your responsibility to ensure that the work does not impact on and cross compliance responsibilities or other schemes that may you may be involved in.
  • It your responsibility to keep livestock away from the sprayed pasture in strict accordance with the harvest interval on the Pesticide application record. It is your responsibility to deal with noxious weeds and ensure livestock are kept away from any noxious weeds within the treated area for a suitable timescale.
  • For more information, please follow DAERA guide to Integrated Pest Management-

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