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About WaterAid

WaterAid is an international not-for-profit, determined to make clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene normal for everyone, everywhere within a generation. Only by tackling these three essentials in ways that last can people change their lives for good.

In partnership with WaterAid logo

With their supporters and partners, WaterAid aims to get clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene to everyone, everywhere by 2030. It’s about more than installing taps, toilets, boreholes and wells. To make lasting change happen on a massive scale, WaterAid:

  • convinces governments to change laws;

  • links policy makers with people on the ground;

  • changes attitudes and behaviours;

  • pools knowledge and resources; and

  • rallies support from people and organisations around the world.

Women smiling as clean water runs from the taps of the new water kiosk in Chiswe village

Women smiling as clean water runs from the taps of the new water kiosk in Chiswe village, Mponela, Dowa, Malawi, June 2019. Credit: WaterAid/Dennis Lupenga

Key stats

(Source: WHO/UNICEF (2021) Progress on household drinking water, sanitation and hygiene 2000-2020. Joint Monitoring Programme. Geneva: World Health Organisation. See: JMP website)

The WASH crisis:

771 million people in the world – one in ten – do not have clean water close to home.

1.7 billion people in the world – more than one in five – do not have a decent toilet of their own.

3.6 billion people in the world – almost half – do not have a safely managed sanitation service at home.

2.3 billion people in the world – almost one in three – lack soap and water for handwashing at home.

WaterAid’s impact

Since 1981 we’ve directly reached:

  • 28.1 million people with clean water.

  • 28.8 million people with decent toilets.

  • 26.1 million people with good hygiene.

Marriam Kadangwa, filling a bucket with water from a tap installed through the Deliver Life 2 Project

Marriam Kadangwa, 19, filling a bucket with water from a tap installed through the Deliver Life 2 Project, Chikweo Health Centre, Machinga, Malawi, December, 2021. Credit: WaterAid/Francis Chipanda

Northern Ireland Water and WaterAid

NI Water is committed to and is actively involved in supporting the work of WaterAid through fundraising, sponsorship and promotion. Such efforts are co-ordinated through the WaterAid Northern Ireland Committee comprising of NI Water staff and external professional bodies. The NI Committee now raises around £60,000 p.a. for WaterAid.

WaterAid Northern Ireland Committee Members 2022 onwards

Honorary President:

Sara Venning


Neal Kerr


Christine McAllister


Agata Cybulska

Speaker Coordinator:

Anna Killen 

Corporate Partnership with WaterAid 
Interested in learning more?

To find out more about WaterAid click here

To request a WaterAid speaker for your group or school contact anna[DOT]killen[AT]niwater[DOT]com

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