Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Down the Drain We Go
03 December 2009 9:51

NI Water’s Education Manager, Jane Jackson, explains:
“Many people genuinely don’t realise the damage they are doing, not only to their own internal pipes, but also to the sewerage system they share with their neighbours. It is only when faced with blocked drains and out of sewer flooding that they realise those ‘harmless wipes’ are in fact creating chaos!”
“The cost of the damage caused to our sewerage system by inappropriate flushing and dumping in drains is also a major factor. NI Water spends in the region of £1.7 million per year clearing blocked drains, money which could be spent improving services to the local community.”
The competition is open to all primary school children including special needs and Irish medium schools.
First prize is a £250 cash donation for each winning school and an individual prize for the winning child in each age group.
Further information and all details of how to enter can be found on www.niwater.com. The entry deadline is Friday 26 March 2010.