H2O Supporters Club
14 April 2010 13:37

The event, organised by Voluntary Service Bureau, Belfast City Council and Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, was aimed at encouraging men over the age of 55 to look after their health and included helpful tips and advice on how they can improve their nutrition levels.
NI Water took this opportunity to go along and explain the important benefits of drinking water, NI Water’s Educational Manager Jane Jackson, explains more,
“We supported this event to encourage the men to drink plenty of water after exercising and keeping fit.
“Good hydration in older people increases levels of tissue oxygen and enhances ulcer healing[1], helps maintain a healthy urinary tract and kidneys[2] and can help against blood clot formation[3].”
Deirdre Murphy, Voluntary Service Bureau, who organised the event, commented:
“We were delighted NI Water came along to the event with their Water for Health message, as it is important to emphasise to the older community how they can improve their health and nutrition. There are a number of common, but often painful conditions, that older men can experience which could be prevented simply by increasing daily fluid intake.”
NI Water’s Education team provide a programme of events and activities for the public all over Northern Ireland. The team travels to primary schools, youth groups and community groups and also participates in a number of major shows and events throughout the year.
For further information on NI Water’s Education Programme, visit www.niwater.com or email waterline@niwater.com