Upper Newtownards Road Flood Alleviation Project Weekly Look ahead for 23rd October – 29th October 2017
24 October 2017 16:20
Northern Ireland Water through Dawson Wam are currently undertaking a major Flood Alleviation Project in the Upper Newtownards Road (UNR) / Knock Road areas of East Belfast which is being undertaken to resolve historical internal and external flooding issues within the area. The work commenced in early June and we anticipate will be completed in Spring 2018.This infrastructure project will involve the upgrade of existing and installation of new sewers on the Upper Newtownards and Knock Roads, as well as sewers within some other residential streets in the area (locations detailed on map below).

A) Upper Newtownards Road - Ormiston Park Junction
Main works are complete along the Upper N’ards Road with the exception of a section adjacent to Ormiston Park where service diversion work is currently ongoing. This work is taking place in the two central lanes and one-way traffic is maintained in each direction. Restrictions are in place for right turning vehicles entering and exiting Ormiston Park and the bus stops are unaffected. Works are estimated to be completed by early November and final resurfacing is to be undertaken during a weekend in November - date to be confirmed
B) Knock Road
Sewer installation complete and final resurfacing is to be undertaken during a weekend in November - date to be confirmed.
C) Knock Road/ Knockdene Verge Works
Sewer installation underway within grass verge area off Knock Rd between Knockdene Park North and Kings Rd. No impact on traffic.
D) Kings Rd (Knock Road junction) Trenchless sewer crossing
Sewer works complete and road reopened. Final resurfacing is to be undertaken during a weekend in November - date to be confirmed.
E) Upper Newtownards Road - Eastleigh Dale / Ballyhackamore area
Trenchless sewer works are ongoing within central lane closures on the Upper Newtownards Road between Knockhill Park and Pasadena Gardens with one way traffic maintained in each direction. Restrictions are in place for right turning vehicles between Knockhill Park and Pasadena Gardens. The pedestrian crossing in with the works area has been closed with a diversion in place to the other signalised crossings at either end of the works area.
F) Comber Greenway/Knock Road - CSO Chamber
Piling works complete within private lands. Works in this area ongoing with completion estimated by January 2018. No roads restrictions currently planned for these works.
G) Knockdene Park South (Nov to Dec 17)
Works on Knockdene Park South scheduled for mid-November and a phased road closure on Knockdene Park South & Knockdene Park will be in operation. Works are estimated to be completed by end of December.
H) Hawthornden Road (Nov to Dec 17)
Works on Hawthornden Rd scheduled for mid-November and phased road closure on Hawthornden Rd and Wandsworth Rd will be in operation. Works are estimated to be completed by end of December.
Please Note - Other Contractors are completing road works along UNR:
- Lane restrictions from the Knock Road junction towards Stormont on the Upper Newtownards Road.
- Lane and footpath closure on Upper Newtownards Road outside Greenwood Primary School for wall replacement for BRT works.