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£5 million Sewer Improvement Project Underway for Ormeau Avenue/Dublin Road Area, Belfast

05 February 2018 15:58

NI Water is pleased to announce that work has commenced on a £5 million project to improve the sewerage infrastructure in the Ormeau area, which will include Ormeau Avenue, Dublin Road, Bruce Street, Sandy Row and sections of the lower Ormeau Road.

Work will commence this week – week commencing 5th February 2018 on Adelaide Street, with work progressing from the Ormeau Avenue end. We anticipate that this phase will be completed in May 2018. During this time, a lane closure will be in place on Adelaide Street, however normal traffic flow will be maintained. Parking restrictions will be in place in the vicinity of the works. Site investigation work will continue in the car parks on Bruce Street. NI Water has liaised closely with the Department for Infrastructure and other key stakeholders during the planning of these works, and will continue to do so as the work progresses.

David McGrath NI Water’s Senior Project Manager said:

“Work is now underway on this essential Sewer Improvement Work, which will reduce the risk of Environmental pollution to the River Lagan and sewer flooding in this part of the sewerage network during periods of heavy rainfall. The project will also accommodate future growth and development in Belfast City Centre and the wider Dublin Road/Ormeau area, allowing for new connections to the upgraded sewerage network.


“There has been flooding in the area in the past as a result of blockages in the sewerage system caused by fats oils and greases (FOG). This project will improve the sewerage infrastructure in the area but that doesn’t mean customers in the area should become complacent with disposing of FOG, everyone has a role to play in keeping the drains clear and fat free. The effects can be devastating and costs NI Water thousands of pounds per year to clear the blockages that occur.”

As with all work of this nature, there will be traffic disruption in the area, which will include lane closures at various locations as the work progresses. There will also be a reduction of parking availability within car parks in certain areas and relevant signage and traffic management will be in place as we move to different areas.


We will continue to keep businesses and residents in the area informed of progress, through direct day-to-day contact on site and regular updates through Belfast City Centre Management. As the work progresses we will provide our best estimate of timescale for the completion of each section of the project as the work progresses. However, as with any large and complex capital project, adjustments to timeframes are to be expected.

NI Water and our contractor Dawson WAM would like to thank the public for their patience and cooperation as we carry out this essential improvement work. We assure you that we will do everything that we can to keep disruption to a minimum. Customer queries should be directed to Waterline on 03457 440088.

As proud partners of NI Year of Infrastructure 2018, NI Water is helping to raise awareness of how infrastructure underpins our lives. This £5 million investment in the Ormeau area is an excellent example of the importance of our infrastructure to help reduce the risk of flooding and protect the environment. For further information log on to

To view the impact of FOG on our sewers visit:



For further information, please contact NI Water’s Press Office on 02890 354710 or email

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