Ground Investigation gets Underway - Ravenhill Road Night Time Works
22 October 2019 15:26

NI Water along with our appointed contractor Geda Construction will be undertaking further ground investigation works in the Ravenhill Road area. This will include two trial excavations on the Ravenhill Road, construction activities at our site compound on London Road and vehicular movements between these locations. This work is due to commence on 28th October 2019, and we anticipate will last approximately 5 nights.
This ground investigation work is being carried out in advance of a major Flood Alleviation project to confirm the location of existing services and assess ground conditions to assist with the detailed design of the scheme.
This project, which is programmed to commence in early 2020, is being undertaken to alleviate ongoing internal and external flooding issues within the Ravenhill Avenue area and will involve the upgrading of existing sewers on Ravenhill Avenue and other residential streets in the area.
In order for the works to be undertaken safely, traffic management will be in place and it will be necessary to have a temporary lane closure on the Ravenhill Road. During this time, two-way traffic will be maintained with the use of temporary traffic signals. Due to the nature and location of these works on this busy arterial route and to reduce disruption, the works will be undertaken during evening/night time hours.
Working hours will generally be 8.00pm to 6.00am, with all traffic management removed from the road by 6.00am daily.
Vehicular access for residents will be maintained as far as possible but may be subject to slight delays, and pedestrian access will be available at all times. Parking restrictions will be in place around the working area.
NI Water fully appreciate that work of this nature can be disruptive, particularly at night and we will take every measure possible to keep all disruption to a minimum.
When complete this project will increase the capacity of the sewerage system in the area, significantly reducing the likelihood of out-of-sewer flooding and environmental pollution.
NI Water and our contractor Geda Construction would like to thank the public for their patience and co-operation as we undertake these essential works.