Ballywalter pipeline planned as part of £18m NI Water investment to improve wastewater network
06 July 2021 13:42

A new pipeline due to be laid in Ballywalter at the end of July will form an integral part of an extensive programme of work planned by NI Water to upgrade local wastewater systems to bring about social, economic and environmental benefits.
The £18m Ards North Wastewater Improvement Project, which has recently got underway, will rationalise and improve the wastewater collection, treatment and transfer systems serving the Carrowdore, Ballywhiskin and Ballywalter areas.
At the heart of the two-year programme of work is the construction of a modern new wastewater treatment works (WwTW) on a greenfield site off the Ganaway Road in Ballywalter.
A number of new pumping stations will also be constructed as part of the project, and new pipelines laid to transfer all wastewater flows from the Carrowdore, Ballywhiskin and Ballywalter areas, as well as those from nearby caravan parks, to the new Ards North WwTW. This state-of-the art facility will treat the wastewater to a high standard before discharging the clean effluent out to sea via a new long sea outfall which will be constructed 3 metres below the seabed off the coast at Ballyferris.
Commenting on the substantial programme of work, Damien McKeown, NI Water’s Project Manager said: “Site clearance works have recently got underway at the Ganaway Road site in preparation for construction of the new WwTW and plans are now in place to commence the extensive network improvements that are included within the project.
“The network improvements will commence in Ballywalter with a new pumping main being laid between Ballywalter Wastewater Pumping Station (located at Fowler Way) and the new Ards North WwTW. From Fowler Way, the route of this pumping main will go along Main Street, Broadway and Whitechurch Road up to its junction with the Greystone Road.
“In a bid to minimise disruption, our contractor, BSG Civil Engineering, will undertake this pipelaying work by directional drilling where possible. The use of this trenchless technology means that only pits need to be dug at certain intervals along the pipeline route which helps to reduce the amount of excavation required.
“A lane closure with traffic light system will be implemented to facilitate the safe installation of the new pipeline. Work will get underway at Fowler Way on Monday 26th July and will continue for approximately 10 weeks.
“During this time, a second pipelaying squad will be working on the Greystone Road to install new pumping mains which will transfer wastewater to the new treatment works and a new outfall pipeline, which will take the treated effluent 550m out to sea.
“Due to the narrowness of the Greystone Road and to facilitate the drilling rig and safe installation of pipelines, a road closure will be in place from No. 23 Greystone Road to its junction with the Whitechurch Road from early August until late September.
“Residents and businesses along both of these pipelaying routes have been notified of the work through letter drops and signage will be in place to advise motorists of the approved diversion routes in relation to the Greystone Road closure.”
Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon added: “I welcome the £18million Ards North Wastewater Improvement Project and the benefits it will bring to the local residents, businesses and tourists.
“The work will ensure that wastewater is treated to a higher standard with resulting environmental benefits, including cleaner beaches and bathing waters. The sea outfall, which forms part of the project, will help protect the scenic coastline and add to the tourism value of the Ards Peninsula.”
Further pipelaying works will be required to link the new wastewater assets at Carrowdore and Ballywhiskin to the new WwTW and NI Water will provide advance notification on the programming of these. The project team would like to thank residents, businesses, holidaymakers and landowners affected by this work for their patience and cooperation as we progress this essential £18m wastewater improvement project.
For further information, please contact NI Water’s Press Office on 02890 354710 or email