NI Water’s School Poster Competition inspires to Save Water, Energy and Protect the Environment!
03 May 2023 9:01

This year the NI Water Schools Poster Competition is asking pupils to draw a poster to inspire others to 'Save water, save energy and protect the environment’ highlighting the benefits of saving water and demonstrating the simple things we can all do that will make a big difference.
NI Water’s Learning and Outreach Officer Anna Killen said “Our primary school competition is very popular and a great way of getting everyone involved with the water saving message! Water is our most valuable resource on earth and is essential for all living things; we cannot live without it. Water has become more precious than ever before with the impact of global warming and climate change causing weather and rainfall patterns to change. We want to raise awareness around this, and this year’s theme is a great way to spread the water efficiency message!
“The energy used to clean, transport and heat water also has a big impact on our environment so saving water and reducing the amount we waste can help us look after our environment while ensuring we have enough water for everyone.
“We want the poster competition to inspire children to remind everyone that in Northern Ireland, we use a lot water and it is something we should not take for granted. We use it for drinking, washing, for industry and farming. In fact, we each use approximately 170 litres of water a day! People mistakenly believe that the heavy rain we experience in this country means that we do not need to be careful with the water we use but all that water needs to be cleaned and pumped to our homes and schools.
“We all have a responsibility to conserve water where possible. The more water we use means more energy is used to clean and pump it to our homes. If we waste that water, we also waste the energy used to bring it safely to us.”
Simple ways to save water at home and some ideas for your poster:
• Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth.
• Collect rainwater in a waterbutt to water the plants
• Using buckets to wash the car rather than a hose (a hose pipe can release as much as 18 litres of water a minute)
• Mend leaking taps – taps that drip once a second lose 33 litres of water a day, 5500 litres of water a year
• One flush of the toilet uses 9 litres of water- use a save a flush in the cistern.
• Keep a jug of water in the fridge rather than running the tap each time you want a glass of water.
Final entries should be submitted by 5pm Friday 26th May 2023.
Notes to the Editor
Competition Details:
1. Competition is open to all KS2 pupils with a category for Special Needs Schools.
2. Prizes for each primary school year group P5, P6 and P7 and for the Special Needs Schools category (all ages groups):
a) First prize - £200 donation for the winning school in each category/ with a “goody bag” for winning pupil.
b) Second prize - £100 donation for the winning school in each category/ with a “goody bag” for winning pupil.
c) Third prize - £50 donation for the winning school in each category/ with a “goody bag” for winning pupil.
3. The pupils are asked to draw a poster to inspire others to 'Save water, save energy and protect the environment’ highlighting the benefits of saving water and demonstrating the simple things we can all do that will make a big difference.
4. Posters MUST be A3 size and hand drawn (we cannot accept any ICT posters).
5. Each poster MUST have the pupils name and class clearly written on the back of the poster alongside the school’s name and address. Unfortunately, any posters, which do not include this information, will be disqualified.
6. Entries should reach NI Water by 5pm Friday 26th May 2023.
7. Entries must be sent to NI Water, Schools Competition, Education Team, c/o Reception Old Westland Road, Belfast, BT14 6TE.
8. NI Water is not responsible for any entries lost in transit. Entries will not be returned.
9. Winning schools will be notified of the results w/c 29th May 2023.
10. Prizes will be distributed at an Award Ceremony at NI Water’s Wastewater Heritage Centre, Duncrue Street, Belfast the week commencing 19th June 2023.
11. Winners will be required to participate in publicity surrounding the competition.
12. We may wish to reproduce the winning submissions for promotional materials or publicity purposes.