NI Water free scheme is now open to help farmers dispose of unwanted chemicals
10 January 2024 13:09

NI Water is delighted to announce that a Farm Chemical Disposal Scheme is now open in the River Faughan and Lower Bann Priority catchment areas. This follows on from our successful scheme in River Derg catchment last year.
The scheme will collect unwanted or out-of-date Herbicides, Weed-Killer, Sheep Dip, Insecticide Sprays, Rodenticides, Fungicide Sprays, Veterinary medicines and empty containers.
If you register for the scheme, the NI Water contractor will collect these items free of charge from your farmyard on a pre-arranged date and then dispose of them safely and confidentially. Registration for the scheme is now open and closes on 16th February 2024. Collection of the chemicals will then commence from March 2024.
To be eligible for the scheme, farmers must live within the following areas:
- Lower Bann catchment area between Agivey Co. Antrim and Castleroe Co. Londonderrry
- River Faughan catchment area between Drumahoe and Carnanreagh Co. Londonderry.
Kerry Morris, NI Water Catchment Officer commented: “This scheme is taking place to reduce the risk of dangerous chemicals making their way into watercourses, which are important drinking water sources for the local areas. We are happy to be working with our contractors, McQuillan Environmental, who will pick up the waste chemicals from your farm and dispose of them safely on our behalf and within all waste management regulations.”
The scheme is also supported by the Ulster Farmers’ Union (UFU). David Brown, UFU President said: “We are happy to support this NI Water venture that helps protect our water sources and I would really encourage farmers in this area to take up the opportunity and register for this free service. This is an excellent scheme which will help farmers tidy up their stores and give peace of mind that unwanted chemicals are out of the way and disposed of safely.”
To see the project details or to register for this free service please go to the following webpage: Please have your postcode at hand, which will be used to check eligibility.
Notes to editors:
When checking your home is winterproof, why not take the time to check the age of your water supply pipes. For information about how you can find and deal with lead pipes please visit:
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