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how to save water

About your water

Who is eligible for the free weed wiping?

Whilst best practice information is available to everyone, the weed wiper trial is only available in Seagahan catchment Area.

The Seagahan catchment area in Co. Armagh has been selected for this trial. Following receipt of a properly completed application form, NI Water’s Farm Liaison Officer will arrange to visit your farm and check its suitability for weed-wiping. Only fields that have a rush or weed infestation problem will be deemed eligible. That is the area where the water runoff from the land makes its way to Seagahan reservoir. Click on the interactive map below.

Application Forms can be downloaded by clicking on the link below:

Weedwiping application form

Applications should be received by NI Water before 30th April 2017. In exceptional circumstances, applications will be accepted after this date.


The completed application form should be returned by post to:

NI Water Weed-wiping Project

41 Seagoe Industrial Estate


Co. Armagh

BT63 5QE

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