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Procurement Policy Note (PPN) Update

04 July 2022 11:54

The Northern Ireland Executive have approved a number of policies in the areas of Scoring Social Value,  Procurement of Social and Other Specific Services; Supply Chain Resilience; Procurement Control Limits and Human Rights in Public Procurement. As part of their monitoring and reporting processes, the Department require public sector organisations to provide demonstrable evidence, in the form of case studies, on their approach, progress and actions taken. These case studies will be uploaded for the Department’s Annual Procurement Report.

Please find a list of NI Water’s current case studies for the following PPNs:

PPN 01/21 Scoring Social Value

PPN 03/21 Supply Chain Resilience Case Study 1

PPN 03/21 Supply Chain Resilience Case Study 2

PPN 05/21 Human Rights in Public Procurement

Capital Procurement Annual Report Procurement Board

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