NI Water has a ‘zero-tolerance’ policy against fraud, bribery and corruption. We are committed to the prevention of these illegal activities and have a Fraud Prevention Policy and an Anti-bribery & Corruption Policy in place.
Examples of some of the types of fraud, bribery and corruption which NI Water could face include:
- Illegal connections / tapping by home owners or businesses;
- Use of standpipes without a licence from NI Water;
- Tampering with water meters;
- Theft of NI Water property including street furniture, scrap metal and fuel;
- Bribes and facilitation payments;
- Payment for work not performed;
- Overcharging by contractors/consultants;
- Bribes and facilitation payments; and
- Collusive bidding.
We support Crimestoppers campaigns including their current Rural Crime campaign and have measures in place to prevent bogus callers – click here
We participate in the National Fraud Initiative conducted by NI Audit Office. This important initiative assists in the prevention and detection of fraud.
Information about applying for connections to our network or renting a water standpipe can also be found by clicking here.
What you can do
If you are aware of any NI Water related fraud, bribery or corruption please contact Waterline on 03457 440088 or email: waterline[AT]niwater[DOT]com. (Customers with hearing difficulties can use ‘Text Relay’ through Waterline 03457 440088.)
You can also call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or the PSNI on 101.
Please pass on specific details if known e.g. the time and date of the incident, location, names and description of the persons involved etc.