NI Water Urge Public to 'DIY' and Pledge to Save Water This Summer
16 June 2010 14:59

Last year, NI Water delivered over 632 million litres of water to customers, a figure we would like the public to pledge to help us reduce this year. NI Water’s Education Manager Jane Jackson comments:
“NI Water takes pride in delivering one of Northern Ireland’s most essential services. However, it is important that our customers are ‘water wise’ and realise the importance of conserving water.
“The aim of ‘Water Saving Week’ is to encourage everyone to take a look at how they use water. NI Water has produced a short video which can be viewed on our website and Youtube site which shows customers simple tips and gives advice on how to conserve water.
“We look forward to meeting customers at the B&Q sites and receiving plenty of pledges to save water this summer!”
NI Water and the Waterbus where at the following B&Q stores throughout the week:
”¢ Sprucefield – Monday 14th June
”¢ Newtownabbey – Tuesday 15th June
”¢ Holywood Exchange – Wednesday 16th June
”¢ Boucher Road – Thursday 17th June
Examples of how you can use water more wisely include:
Ӣ Using watering cans around the garden instead of hosepipes and sprinklers;
Ӣ Using buckets to wash the car instead of a hosepipe;
Ӣ Not leaving taps running longer than necessary, for example when brushing teeth or washing vegetables;
Ӣ When using the dishwasher and washing machine, make sure its a full load;
Ӣ Only filling the kettle as much as necessary; and
Ӣ Mend leaking taps - taps that drip once a second, result in the loss of 33 litres of water a day.
NI Waters ‘Using Water Wisely’ video can be viewed on our website, and on our Youtube channel
If you would like to assess your own water usage, please fill out NI Water’s Home Water Audit by logging onto and click on the leaflet ‘Home Water Audit’.
Reports of any wastage of water or leaks should be referred to Leakline 0800 282011 or Waterline 08457 440088.