‘Success of the Refillution – one year on’
28 May 2020 11:52

Since its launch in May 2019, Mid and East Antrim Council have signed up 93 businesses across the Borough, who support Refillution and welcome members of the public to refill at their premises. Council staff have been provided with reusable aluminium water bottles to reduce the need for single use plastic bottles, with staff pledging to reduce plastic internally and proposals in place to remove plastic cups at drinking fountains and from internal catering events. The Council have also undertaken a number of clean ups across the borough including beach and river cleans.
“Councillor Mayor, Maureen Morrow says: “Mid and East Antrim Borough Council are pleased to support NI Water’s Refillution campaign. Council staff have already made a commitment to reducing its impact on the environment and have committed to a number of environmental objectives in 2020. Council staff are being encouraged to ditch single use plastic bottles and switch to a reusable one that can be filled from the tap. I would also encourage local businesses, schools and communities to do the same.”
Angela Halpenny, Northern Ireland Water Head of Environmental Regulation says, “One year on following the launch of Refillution we would like to thank Mid and East Antrim Council for their work with us in reducing single use plastic right across their borough. The water industry has a strong focus on the environment and we are committed to tackling the problems caused by plastic bottles and bottle tops, which block up our drains and rivers, and pollute our seas and shorelines. By refilling a reusable bottle, not only do you reduce plastic waste, you are also helping to drive down your carbon footprint.”
Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon said: “Congratulations to NI Water and the councils for working in partnership to make this campaign such a success. We are very fortunate to have good quality tap water right at our finger tips. Water is a precious resource which is so essential to our health and wellbeing but we need to be responsible. By encouraging “refillution” we can all ensure we have a healthier planet by reducing our plastic use and carbon footprint for future generations.”
Over the last year 206 primary and secondary schools have signed up to become Refill schools, pledging to reduce the number of single use plastic water bottles in school and encouraging all pupils to refill a reusable bottle with tap water. NI Water have distributed over 75,000 reusable water bottles to pupils across the country to help schools with their plastic free quest.
To celebrate the 1-year anniversary, NI Water’s Education team will provide Refill packs to schools in the new term with the aim of every pupil and teacher in the school, continuing to reduce plastic waste and refill a reusable bottle every day. Pupils can take turns at being the Refill champion in their school and lead the campaign. The pack will also include a pledge page and hints and tips on how to continue the Refillution. If your school would like to become a refill school contact education@niwater.com to sign up.
If you are a business and would like to support the Refillution campaign, contact your relevant Council area to register your interest. For more information, visit https://www.niwater.com/refillution-map/
For more details visit https://www.niwater.com/refillution/
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For further information please contact NI Water press office press.office@niwater.com