£7 Million Ravenhill Avenue Flood Alleviation Project Continues
18 May 2021 15:30

Work is currently underway on NI Water’s £7 Million Flood Alleviation Project, which will benefit the Ravenhill Avenue area of South Belfast.
Works had recently been suspended on Ravenhill Avenue due to an unforeseen issue with existing services, which has now been resolved, and works will recommence on the 19th May 2021. These works will be carried out in phases over the next 21 months, and in order to undertake these significant constructions works safely, a road closure will be in place during this time.
The road will be closed in short sections for each phase; however, there will be no through traffic between Ravenhill Avenue and Cregagh Road. Access will be maintained for residents and businesses throughout, but will only be possible from either end of the works location. Pedestrian access will remain available at all times.
For the safety of the public and construction workers, there will be no parking in the vicinity of the construction works.
See below details of the next 3 phases of work:
These phases of work are due to begin on 19th May 2021, and take approximately 4 months to complete. Each phase will be completed before moving onto the next phase.
Phase 4a London Road - will involve laying new sewers at the London Road junction on Ravenhill Avenue, work is due to commence week beginning 17th May for 2 weeks
Phase 4b London Road - will involve the installation of a temporary sewerage pumping main on Ravenhill Avenue from Ravenhill Road to London road, work is due to commence upon completion of Phase 4a and last approximately 3 weeks
Phase 5 Ormeau Park to London Road - will involve tunnelling of the combined sewer from Ormeau Park to the London Road Junction on Ravenhill Avenue, work is due to commence upon completion of phase 4b and take approximately 3 months to complete.
Our contractor will liaise directly with any residents and businesses affected by traffic management restrictions throughout the project.
Following completion of the above works, further phases will continue on Ravenhill Avenue, Sunwich Street, Federation Street and Millar Street. We will provide further updates on future phases as timescales are finalised.
NI Water understands that major work of this nature can be disruptive to the local community, but we will do everything possible to minimise disruption. We would like to thank the public for their patience and cooperation as we undertake these essential Flood Alleviation works.
For further information on the project log on to: www.ravenhillavenue.com
For further information, please contact NI Water’s Press Office by emailing: press.office@niwater.com
A few key points to remember:
- We are all practising social distancing – our priority is to keep customers and colleagues safe. So please keep your distance and our workers will carry on with their essential work for you.
- Remember wipes will clog the sewers and result in blockages and flooding – never flush a wipe. For further information log on to www.niwater.com/bag-it-and-bin-it/
- Beware of Bogus Callers – if you are concerned about the identity of someone at your door, you can call the PSNI non-emergency number ‘101’ where you will have the option of a ‘Quickcheck’ to confirm the caller is from the utility they say they are.
- Do not let children go near work sites or equipment, this can be extremely dangerous.
Information on water supply issues affecting your property are also available 24/7 simply by logging onto http://www.niwater.com/current-service-updates/