Pupils at Carrickfergus Model PS learn Water Makes the World Go Round!
08 February 2023 9:16

This is just one interesting fact pupils Carrickfergus Model Primary School, learnt when NI Water’s education team came to visit to teach them all about the Water Cycle.
NI Water’s educational programme, ‘H2O and the Wonderful World of Water’, taught the children about the value of water and how important it is for us all to look after it.
During the visit, the children were introduced to H20, a water drop figure and mascot for the programme. They learnt how rainwater is cleaned and sewage is treated keeping the country healthy. They took part in a ‘Bag it and Bin it’ activity to demonstrate what can and can’t be put down the toilet. The children were also introduced to NI Water’s chosen charity – WaterAid, who work to help those who have no access to safe water or sanitation.
NI Water’s Outreach and Learning Officer Anna Killen said:
‘‘NI Water places great importance on educating young people in the vital role water plays in our lives. H2O is a fun way for children to learn about the water cycle, why water is essential for good health and how they can help to conserve this precious resource.
“NI Water are guardians of the infrastructure; the networks and assets, but every one of us uses the service. Only together, as a company and a community, can we continue to protect our most valuable and precious asset – water.
“We are delighted with the positive feedback we have received from schools who have participated in NI Water’s educational programme. It’s a fantastic way for us to deliver what matters for the local community and educate future generations of water users.”
Why not get water fit and try our new online water audit at https://www.getwaterfit.co.uk to see just how water wise you are and receive free water saving items such as 4 minute shower timers, leaky loo strips and toothy timers for the little one.
For further information, please contact the NI Water’s press office on email press.office@niwater.com.
Notes to Editors
• More information about H2O and the Wonderful World of Water can be found on www.niwater.com/education
• NI Water’s education programme is delivered by experienced Education Officers, and is tailored to the Northern Ireland school curriculum.
• NI Water also has a Waterbus which is a regular feature of the educational programme, offering a mobile classroom on a true scale double-decker bus.
• The Waterbus is a long term investment by NI Water in educational development for the local community.