£5.7 Million Pumped into Water Improvement Scheme for South Down
13 April 2023 17:01

NI Water is pleased to announce the start of a £5.7 Million Water Improvement Scheme which will be essential to the future resilience of the water supply infrastructure for customers in the South Down area. Work is due to start in May and will continue until early 2025.
The scheme will be split into sections and the first phase of works, commencing next month, will involve pipelaying on the Bryansford Road from the junction with Kilkeel Road, progressing along the Bryansford Road towards the Fofanny Road junction.
This first section of work is due to last around 8 months. Due to the working space available and the welfare of the public and our staff, this will require a road closure and there will be no through traffic permitted during working hours. We will complete the works in sections to keep disruption to a minimum and there will be traffic management in place throughout the route, with local access maintained at all times.
The diversion route will be signposted along the Bryansford Road, Kilkeel Road, Castlewellan Road, Hilltown Road, Dublin Road, Newcastle Road, and the Ballyhaffry Road.
Eimear McDaid, NI Water Project Manager said:
“We are delighted to announce the start of this major Water Improvement Scheme, which will greatly improve the robustness and resilience of the water supply infrastructure in South Down.
“This key improvement scheme will protect and future-proof the local water infrastructure for customers in Castlewellan, Fofanny and beyond.
“Enhanced security of water supply will provide a more reliable service for people in the area and will be particularly important during extreme weather conditions and other unplanned events to ensure maximum security of supply for our customers.
“NI Water and our contractor GlanAgua Farrans would like to thank the public in advance for their patience and cooperation as we commence this essential water improvement scheme.”
This £5.7 million investment is an excellent example of what can be done when the necessary funding is in place. NI Water looks forward to the necessary funding being put in place across the full six-year period of our PC21 business plan to 2027.
Over the past fifteen years, we have steadily improved the efficiency with which we operate while at the same time improving the quality of drinking water, levels of environmental compliance and the services we provide to our customers.
ENDS. For further information, please email press.office@niwater.com
- Beware of Bogus Callers – if you are concerned about the identity of someone at your door, you can call the PSNI non-emergency number ‘101’ where you will have the option of a ‘Quickcheck’ to confirm the caller is from the utility they say they are.
- Do not let children go near work sites or equipment, this can be extremely dangerous.
- Information on water supply issues affecting your property are also available 24/7 simply by logging onto http://www.niwater.com/current-service-updates/