Spring cleaning? Remember to check for leaky loos and dripping taps too!
27 February 2024 14:32

Spring is just around the corner and as thoughts start turning to cleaning and home improvements, NI Water is reminding its customers to check for leaky loos and dripping taps to help save water.
NI Water is offering a helping hand with some free water devices that also help save money. Leaky loo strips and insultation covers for outdoor taps are just some of the free NI Water items available to order on www.getwaterfit.co.uk
NI Water is also reminding people to pick up some insultation for pipes when DIY spring shopping and to fix any dripping taps as cold weather over the Spring months can still catch people out with burst pipes.
NI Water education officer Anna Killen said: “Spring is the perfect time to start those household jobs you might have been thinking about doing but haven’t quite got around to yet. That includes checking for leaky loos and dripping taps, as well as considering other ways that you could be saving water around your home.
“With the cold snap predicted to return again later this week, it’s important to remember that even a few small droplets from a trickle of water can result in a frozen pipe. So protect your water supply from bursts during periods of cold weather by insulating pipes.”
Anna also explained there’s no better time to dust off old habits and create some new ones that are good for your pocket and the environment.
Anna said: “Start by thinking about how much water you are using each day while you go about your routine. Whether you are washing your hands, cleaning endless amounts of dishes or getting through that mountain of washing, you start to realise just how important water is and the sheer amount we use. It’s amazing to think that every day each person uses around 170 litres of water!
“One of the biggest culprits for wasting water at home are leaky loos - 1 in 20 households have one yet they often go unnoticed, wasting around 200 to 400 litres of water a day. That’s the equivalent of 2.5 to 5 bath tubs, or enough water for up to 7 loads of washing. The worst offenders can waste up to 8,000 litres of water day –that’s almost 100 bath tubs! NI Water’s LeakyLoo strips make it easy to check if you have a leak and if you do, an approved plumber will find it easy to repair.”
Saving water can be really easy – there are a few simple things we can all do that can make a huge difference. Anna’s top water saving tips include:
- Check for a leaky loo with free NI Water LeakyLoo strips, which work by placing them across the back of the pan and if the strip is altered overnight, then you know you have a leak. An approved plumber will be able to fix things. To search for an approved plumber go to www.watersafe.org.uk or try the Scotland and Northern Ireland Plumbing Employers Federation (SNIPEF) website at www.needaplumber.org.uk
- In cold spells remember to lag your pipes and water tanks to protect your water supply. These items are easy to pick up at DIY stores. Fix any dripping taps as even a few small droplets can result in a frozen pipe. Find your property’s stop tap and make sure you know how to turn if off – most can be found under your kitchen sink.
- A frozen outdoor tap can be frustrating when it comes to things such as not being able to wash your car or fill your dog’s bowl. However, it can also cause more serious damage if the pipe bursts and causes a joint inside your property to come apart and cause a leak and cause a leak. Protect outside taps from freezing with a free NI Water insulated tap cover which are available to order at www.getwaterfit.co.uk
- Wash your car with a sponge and bucket
- Use a bowl or the sink plug when washing up
- Only fill the kettle with the water you need
- Gardeners can install a waterbutt to harvest rainwater
- Keep a jug of fresh drinking water in the fridge – and replace it every 24 hours
- To report a leak please contact NI Water online at www.niwater.com/report-a-leak-or-burst-pipe or on 0800 0282011. Lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
NI Water is encouraging customers to sign up to its free text alert service which keeps them updated about anything that may impact on their water supply or any of our other services in the area. Sign up here https://www.niwater.com/register-for-keeping-you-informed/
Notes to editors
When checking your home is winterproof, why not take the time to check the age of your water supply pipes. For information about how you can find and deal with lead pipes please visit: www.niwater.com/lead-pipes
Media enquiries to the NI Water Press Office via email to press.office@niwater.com