NI Water’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy defines how as a business we are committed to behaving ethically, to contributing to the economic development of NI and to producing a cleaner environment while improving the quality of life of our workforce and the local community. Our CSR approach supports the NI Water vision and strategic objectives.
The CSR Committee chose 3 key areas to focus on for the 2019/20 year. These are linked to the delivering the corporate strategy and are:
1) Planet
This area reports on our CSR activities in relation to the environment including –
- Environmental Management
- Blockage Reduction Campaign
- Energy Consumption
- Biodiversity & SCaMP NI
- Climate Change
- Water Efficiency
- SWELL (Shared Waters Enhancement & Loughs Legacy)
2) People
This area reports on our CSR activities in relation to our workforce including–
- Health & Wellbeing
- Employee Engagement
- Training & Development
- Charity Support
3) Place
This area reports on our CSR activities in relation to community and wider engagement including –
- Cares Challenge Volunteering Scheme
- Community Visits
- External Mentoring
- Schools Education Programme
- Customer Engagement
- Stakeholder Engagement
- University & Colleges Engagement
- Political Engagement
- Industry Body Activity & External Accreditations
The CSR Community normally meets four times a year. The Committee includes senior representatives from across the organisation, including EC members.